Physical Therapy Solutions L.L.C

(205) 202-8901
1770 Independence Ct Suite A, Birmingham, Alabama

About us

Every one of us at Physical Therapy Solutions is committed to providing you with the highest standard of healthcare services. In an age of escalating medical costs and declining personal service, we strive to provide cost-conscious, quality healthcare while treating every patient with respect and dignity.

It’s your choice where you go to physical therapy.

Remember, not all physical therapy is alike. For
example, at Physical Therapy Solutions you will spend a minimal fraction of your valuable time waiting... Not only will we get your therapy started in two (or less) working days after receiving your referral from your physician...

You won’t have to spend much time in our waiting room either.

Pain and dysfunction in joints and backs are among the most common medical problems in the world today. Most of these challenges can be managed successfully with carefully supervised rehabilitation. At Physical Therapy Solutions, our evidence-based approach to rehabilitation emphasizes recovery, fitness, and prevention.

Following a thorough evaluation, our therapist will design an individualized program that will actively promote your rehabilitation and continued good health at the clinic, work, and home. Our goal, through hands-on treatment and individually dosed exercises, is to reduce your pain and restore normal functioning in the shortest possible time.

• Evidence-based treatment protocols reduce
pain and normalize function as quickly as

• Every patient receives a detailed evaluation.

• Treatment emphasizes steady recovery and continued fitness.

• Each patient receives an individually dosed and progressed exercise and rehabilitation program.


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