Deals in Galena, KS

Through VdAfrica one can participate in cheap volunteer Africa programs in the rural communities in Kenya for the best humanitarian work at the most affordable price. For more details about our services call 254721704175 or visit :

Nairobi , Haille Sellasie Avenue,Next to Continental House , Harambee Coop Plaza St, Galena, Kansas, 00200

Deal code: cs-20318148-54432

Personal injury claims

Personal injury claims
Accident Advice House Direct Limited Merrion Avenue Stanmore, Galena, Kansas, 10001
(800) 689-7220

Deal code: cs-20207588-46700

10% OFF DNA Testing.

DNA Paternity Testing Shawnee Mission
7315 Frontage Rd Ste 150, Galena, Kansas, 66204
(800) 535-5198

Deal code: cs-19954251-32138