Amy Baysinger - State Farm Insurance Agent

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Happy St. Patrick's Day! Happy St. Patrick's Day! Happy St. Patrick's Day! Amy Baysinger - State Farm Insurance Agent I’m so over this snow! What are you looking forward to this summer? I can almost feel the sunshine! Happy Easter! Nature's beauty is a masterpiece that never fails to inspire Nature's beauty is a masterpiece that never fails to inspire Amy Baysinger - State Farm Insurance Agent Amy Baysinger - State Farm Insurance Agent Cinco de Mayo fun!! Jake was even there!! Cinco de Mayo fun!! Jake was even there!! Cinco de Mayo fun!! Jake was even there!! Cinco de Mayo fun!! Jake was even there!! Cinco de Mayo fun!! Jake was even there!! Cinco de Mayo fun!! Jake was even there!! This month marks five years since I opened my office! Thank you to this amazing community, my customers, friends, and family! Looking forward to many more! Amy Baysinger - State Farm Insurance Agent We love getting outside Stars, stripes, and freedom are in full bloom. Happy Fourth of July! Stars, stripes, and freedom are in full bloom. Happy Fourth of July! I just wanted to say thank you to all our fire fighters! Your hard work is much appreciated! Thank you for keeping us safe. Amy Baysinger - State Farm Insurance Agent I received this in mail recently! Thank you for trusting me to care for your insurance! I’m honored to receive this again this year!