Partner with Citysquares

Earn commissions for your Agency while helping your clients make the most of their Citysquares profile.

Digital Agencies and Enterprises can access additional benefits through the Citysquares Partner Program. Partner Program members can:

  • Resell Citysquares Premium Listings
  • Claim and manage Citysquares business listings in real-time via API
  • Claim and manage Citysquares business listings via bulk upload

Premium Listings

Premium Listings are a cost effective way to promote the listings you manage to a bigger slice of Citysquares' audience of more than 2.8 million annual unique visitors.

As a Partner Program member, you can offer Premium Listings to your clients while adding a new revenue stream for your agency. For Enterprise customers, the Partner Program gives access to bulk pricing on Premium Listings.

API Access

API access cuts the cost and overhead of managing listings while enabling real-time access to all of the locations you manage. The API can be used to:

  • Claim, create and update listings.
  • Retrieve listing data.
  • Suppress duplicates.
  • Unclaim listings you no longer manage.

The developer documentation has all the details your technical team will need to get up and running.

Bulk Uploads

Some Agencies and Enterprises prefer bulk upload to API access as the way to manage their listings due to the faster and more straightforward setup process. Both approaches are supported through the Partner Program and offer similar functionality. You're free to move from one to the other as your needs and the needs of your clients change.

Get in touch!

To find out more about one or more components of the Partner Program, drop your email address into the form at the top of the page or reach out to us at