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Angelo's Auto Repair & Towing LLC

Main: (410) 325-7919
Fax: (410) 319-7442
Mobile: (443) 386-0095
4807 Belair Rd, Rear Suite, Baltimore, Maryland, 21206

Business hours

Monday 12:00am to 12:00am
Tuesday 12:00am to 12:00am
Wednesday 12:00am to 12:00am
Thursday 12:00am to 12:00am
Friday 12:00am to 12:00am
Saturday 12:00am to 12:00am
Sunday 12:00am to 12:00am

About us

When looking for us please go to the rear of 4807 Belair Rd.
We will take care of all your auto and towing needs.

Call Today!

Payment options American Express, Cash, Check, MasterCard, Visa


Angelo's Auto & Towing provide Towing Services and are located in Baltimore, MD. Please phone Angelo's Auto & Towing on 410-325-7919 for more information on the services on offer.

Jonathan C

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