Bob The Plumber

Image 1 | Bob The Plumber New Sloan toilet Valve install all shined up ready for commercial use... Electric water heater elements changed old and new. New Sloan urinal valve Old urinal valve leaking and spraying replaced it with a new Sloan Ready for water company to set new water meter in the new yoke after lead piping abatement. After the lead pipe was removed from customers city water main waterline. Pure lead water pipe before water meter removed and repiped. Gas line leak tester after repairs are made then the lines can be recertified and turned back on. leak inside wall water running into the garage sink drain pipe from 1955. The hole! New shut valves for cleaning Ambulance clean up at Seals Ambulance Service. New unit all installed increased flow rate and good pressure now. A new 85 Gallon Electric Water Heater the last WATER Heater you will ever have to buy! Lifetime Warranty on the tank! The new replacement only a quarter turn on and a quarter turn off no more leaks and a lot less turning!