Bulletproof Tax & Accounting Firm
(888) 534-9425
4635 Freeport Blvd, Ste B, Sacramento, California, 95822
The tax pros at Bulletproof Tax were smart, friendly and asked insightful questions. As a result, they were able to find several previously missed deductions that resulted in me getting a much larger refund than I expected on my tax return and I owed less taxes for my small business than I anticipated. I Highly recommend this business and was very happy with how I was treated.
Rosalie DFeatured businesses
1451 River Park Drive, Sacramento, California, 95815
(916) 646-6700
3805 Altos Ave, Sacramento, California, 95838
(916) 235-3663
12 E scra,emnt, Sacramento, California, 95812
(718) 277-2882