Dr. Hammad Aziz

(630) 984-2223
601 Randall Crossing Lane, North Aurora, Illinois, 60542

Business hours

Monday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
(2 Saturdays a month)

About us

Helping others has always come naturally to Dr. Hammad Aziz. As the lead dentist of North Aurora Smiles, his objective is simple; creating beautiful smiles for life.
As an experienced dental practitioner in the industry, Dr. Aziz’s experience spans over 25 years and has garnered him acclaim, respect, and the trust of his patients. His practice has always promoted comprehensive yet conservative dentistry.
Dr. Aziz has never been fond of doing unnecessary surgical procedures and has consistently promoted the preservation of natural teeth and bones. He acts in the patient’s best interest and takes it upon himself to constantly update his techniques to reflect the advancements of the ever-changing dental industry.

Payment options Cash, Visa, Mastercard
Tags Dentist North Aurora IL, Dental Crowns and Bridges North Aurora IL, Teeth Whitening North Aurora IL, Sleep Apnea Treatment North Aurora IL, Minimally Invasive Dentistry North Aurora IL, Pediatric Dentistry North Aurora IL, Dental Implants North Aurora IL, Root Canal Treatment North Aurora IL
Services Crowns, Sleep apnea, Pediatric Dentistry, Fillings, Teeth Whitening, Invisalign, Implants, Periodontal care, Minimally invasive dentistry


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