Metroplex Foundation Repair

(214) 800-2328
6060 N. Central Expressway Suite 500, Dallas, Dallas, Texas, 75205

About us

Your cracked foundation will not go away!!! We offer free evaluations to homeowners in the state of Texas. Monday through Saturday 9am to 8pm., (seasonal). We will accommodate an occasions Sunday if schedules conflict "If you are a renter please pass this information on to your landlord". Your cracked foundation will not go away! We service concrete slab foundations as well as pier and beam leveling. If this is a condominium or townhouse with "adjoining walls" both owners may need to be present for the evaluation. Fireman, Policeman, Nurses, Long Haul Truck Drivers, Shift Workers and Night Owls, we have available to you 24 hours a day 7 days a week live operators to schedule your appointment call (877)850-6990. We offer "Instant Financing", we have several financing options available, including our popular one up to 18 months 0% interest free. Get your evaluation scheduled before the triple digits arrive and your foundation sinks back down causing more damage.


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