Need Oil Corp
Need Oil recent filled our home heating fuel tank and spilled several gallons of fuel throughout our garage and basement area. My wife was asleep when I can home to discover dangerous fume wafting through out the house. When I phoned the owner of the compant he tried to blame the gage on the tank as faulty and promised to send an employee to help with the cleanup.
Needless to say no one ever showed up to help, and after an inspection by the State it was determined that the leakage was not cause by a faulty tank or gage but by the negligence of their employees. Home heating oil was leaking from the pipe above the tank, from the gage area, and also from the spout located outside the building in the garden area.
They even had the audacity to charge us for the oil they spilled and offered nothing in the way of mitigating our damages.(Two weeks of toxic fumes, hours of cleanup, phone calls to recycling and conservation agencies to make up for Need Oil's irresponsibility and...
Stan J