Sol La Ti's Music Together

(212) 592-4627
601 West 114 ST., Manhattan, New York, 10025

About us

Adults, regardless of their musical ability, can help create an environment that supports children in achieving basic music competence. Children of mixed ages participate at their own level by singing, moving, chanting, listening, and exploring musical instruments. Parents and caregivers participate with the children and receive music development information about their own child. Together, music allows for fun and family bonding.

Neighborhood: Morningside Heights


Deborah Cahn
Today after dinner, Ellie was marching around the house saying something that was a little hard to understand, but from what I could make out it was Bring back money. Over and over again. Bring back money. For like 20 minutes. I was a little puzzled about where she'd picked up a phrase like that. And then I finally put it together...

Bring back my Bonnie to me.

From class this afternoon. I started singing it and sure enough, she lit up. Bring back Bonnie! Bring back Bonnie! She then had me sing it, over and over, for the rest of the night. Every time I stopped, she'd say Bring back! Bring back!

It made an impression. Just as you've been saying over the last couple weeks -- they absorb so much!
Thanks for a great class.

Gabriele T

Oliver LOVES music class, and he sings the songs now at home all the time. Whenever we have one of the MT CD's on, he sings along, but recently, he's even begun to break into song on his own, when no music is playing in the background. We're a pretty musical family, and so my husband and I are totally psyched when we see this. Thank you for your contribution to Ollie's musical development!!
Jill Leibowitz

Gabriele T

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