Sports Specialty & Rehab Center

(888) 370-4872
2328 Hancock Bridge Parkway Suite 103, Cape Coral, Florida

About us

*Insurance Information*

S.S.R.C is an in-network provider with Medicare, BC/BS, and most private insurances. We accept Workman's Compensation insurance, and work with patients using Veteran's Administration and Vocational Rehabilitation services.

We are out of network for Aetna except for Workmans Compensation cases. Also accepted; Freedom Health, all auto insurances, Beech Street Plans, and Champ US/Champ VA.

Don't have insurance! No worries! We have developed a "self pay" program, and work with patients who require payment plans on an individual basis.

Our mission is "To provide superior customer based rehabilitation and interventions that improve sports, work, and normal daily performance while reducing costs and promoting preventive medicine."

Sports Specialty & Rehab Center was established in 1996 by Dan Vogelbach, PT, A.T.C/L and continues to be privately owned and operated.

Our professional and friendly staff are able to assist you with all your outpatient rehabilitation needs at any of our convenient locations.

Our Specialized Services:

Fabrication of custom dynamic and static hand and arm splints
Conservative management of C.T.S, DeQuervains, Trigger Finger, and other nerve compressions and tendon entrapments
Cumulative trauma disorders
Lateral/Medial Epicondylitis
Sprains/Strains of the upper extremity
Arthritis management and instruction in joint protection and energy conservation
Post operative care
Wound and burn care
Fractures of the arm and hand

All Other Services:

Physical Therapy

Sports Specialty & Rehabilitation Center provides skilled physical therapy services by licensed health professionals to address functional impairments such as decreased range of motion / flexibility, strength, balance, joint and soft tissue mobility or stability, and posture awareness. This is accomplished by the use of manual therapy, therapuetic exercise and activities, neuromuscular re-education, posture training, and pain modulation. Common modalities used include cold / hot packs, electrical stimulation, neuromuscular stimilation, ultrasound, E.T.P.S, and traction.

Our goal is to improve your performance and minimize limitations, restrictions, or disability while promoting preventive medicine.

Sports Specialty

Sports Specialty & Rehabilitation Center provides comprehensive sports medicine programs to rehabilitate the injured athlete get back to his or her specific sport. Working in conjuction with the physician and/or athletic trainer we develop individualized programs to expedite your ability to return to sport as fast and as safely as possible. Whether you are a competitive, high school, professional, or a weekend warrior we are able to meet all your sports medicine needs.


Sports Specialty & Rehabilitation Center's primary focus is on the treatment of orthopedic injuries including muscle or ligament strain / sprains, tendonitis, bursitis, instability, impingement, post fracture, and post operative care.

Post-Op Rehab

Sports Specialty & Rehabilitation Center has individualized programs and protocols for the treatment of most post-op conditions including but not limited to total joints, fractures, tendon/ligament repairs, joint fusions, and manipulations.

Spine (neck / back) Programs

Sports Specialty & Rehabilitation Center has skilled therapists to address injuries relating to the spine. The scope of treatment includes manual therapy to restore normal spinal mobility and soft tissue function with instruction in back care and flare up management. Exercises are developed to maximize trunk core stability and extremity strength, improve flexibility, and progress aerobic conditioning. Proper body mechanics is incorporated in all aspects of the program and work and/or recreational activities are simulated to return the patient to their prior level of function.

Balance Training

Sports Specialty & Rehab Center therapists create individualized balance training programs to assist patients regain their mobility as a result of injuries, aquired balance deficits, history of falls, vertigo issues, gait disturbances, post stroke impairments, and sensory disturbances. Working with the patient, their family, and physician our skilled therapists customize a program to address the patients impairments to improve their activities of daily living and mobility related requirements. S.S.R.C works with local compainies to get the appropriate adaptive equipment, assistive devices, and/or wheelchair or scooters the patient requires to improve their quality of life.

Vestibular Rehab

Sports Specialty & Rehab Center provides vestibular rehab for those patients who have been diagnosed with vertigo, benign paroxsymal positional vertigo (B.P.P.V), vestibular hypofunction, labyrinthitis (vestibular neuritis), and/or is suffering from vestibular dysfunction. Our therapists develop a comprehensive program including repositioning techniques, posture exercises, balance training, and home exercises.


Sports Specialty & Rehab Center offers custom and temporary othotics which can assist many foot, lower extremity, and back symptoms by providing biomechanical support, shock absorption, and reducing pressure and strain on inflammed or damaged structures. Our therapists perform a comprehensive evaluation in order to provide the patient with exactly what is required to assist their needs.

Common diagnoses and injuries that benefit from orthotics include but not limited to plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, sesamoiditis, metatarsalgia, Morton's Neuroma, achilles injuries, Sever's Disease ( calcaneal apophysitis), shin splints, knee pain, iliotibial band syndrome, and back pain.

Supervised Gym Program

This program is specifically designed for the patient who has progressed beyond the need for skilled physical therapy but still requires strengthening and functional reconditioning with medical supervision. The patient can attend anytime during clinic hours after being setup on the program by a clinician. The patient then maintains a daily log of their progress. The cost of the program is $70.00/month billed on a 30 day basis.

Occupational Therapy

Sports Specialty & Rehabilitation Center provides skilled occupational therapy services by licensed occupational therapist who are certified hand therapists to address functional impairments which are limiting a persons activities of daily living (i.e. eating, dressing, self care) and work readiness. Occupational therapy focuses on fine motor function and usually addresses injuries of the elbow, arm, wrist, and hand.

Hand and Upper Limb Specialty

Hand and Upper Limb Specialty is a division of Sports Specialty & Rehabilitation that addresses the unique needs of rehabilitating the upper extremity. The therapists work closely with area hand surgeons and orthopedic surgeons. But they also are of great value to primary care and emergency care physicians who want to address problems of the upper extremity in an advanced way but do not feel the problem would warrant an immediate surgical solution.

Hand and Upper Limb Specialty is under the direction of Denise Allen OT/L, C.H.T, an experienced certified hand therapist who has a strong background in outpatient orthopedic and hand rehabilitation. She graduated from the University of Florida in 1992.

What is a Certified Hand Therapist?
A Certified Hand Therapist, or C.H.T, is an Occupational or Physical Therapist who has a minimum of 5 years clinical experience at least 2 years of which is in the direct practice of hand therapy. In addition, the certified hand therapist must successfully pass a comprehensive test of advanced clinical skills and theory in upper extremity rehabilitation.

Pain Management

This program helps the patients with chronic pain manage their symptoms while remaining productive at work and home. The program includes a comprehensive evaluation and exercise prescription tailored to the individual’s symptoms. Nutrition, stress management, proper body mechanics and home exercises are addressed. The focus is not the elimination of chronic pain, but to teach lifelong self-management skills to allow the patient to successfully treat their own symptoms.

A.D.L Training

Sports Specialty & Rehab Center provides activities of daily living training programs to assist patients aibilities to perform self care activities such as dressing, bathing, grooming, cleaning, transfers, feeding, and positional strategies to assist the patient's symptoms. This may or may not include the use of adaptive equipment.

Work Injury

Sports Specialty & Rehabilitation recognizes the unique qualities of treating the injured worker. Goal directed therapy includes not only the resolution of disability and symptoms of the injury, but strives to reach case resolution and return employees to work quickly, safely, and cost effectively.

Sports Specialty & Rehabilitation can evaluate and treat almost any work related injury through the traditional acute rehabilitation programs previously noted in addition to the following programs specifically designed for the injured worker or potential hire.

Work Conditioning

This is an intensive goal oriented multi-hour (2-4 hours typically) program lasting 4-8 weeks. This program includes exercises, functional activities, and work simulation activities specifically designed to the individual’s needs and pre-injury work demands. The objective of this type of program is to restore the injured workers physical and functional capabilities to enable return to work.

F.C.E - Functional Capacity Evaluations

This is a comprehensive multi-hour (typically 3-4 hours) evaluation that objectively measures the client’s current physical and functional abilities including (but not limited to) strength, material handling, positional tolerance, endurance, fitness, and flexibility. Results are presented in a clear summary, which is accompanied by a detailed report.

Benefits of this form of testing may include: determining return to work capability, alternative or modified employment/duty, maximal medical improvement, disability determining, work specific rehabilitation, and/or case resolution.

All assessments are performed by Matheson trained evaluator.

Pre / Post Job Offer Screen

Job specific assessment to determine if the worker or potential employee is able to perform the specific physical demands required of the target job description safely. Identify potential safety risks and/or accommodations that may be necessary.

Splint Fabrication

Working with one of our experienced Certified Hand Therapists, they are able to fabricate static and dynamic splints for the hand and upper limb.


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