Starsiak Osteopathic Clinic

(317) 623-0651
5610 Crawfordsville Rd. suite 200 , Indianapolis, Indiana

About us

What is O.M.M?
O.M.M, Osteopathic Manual Medicine, is the hands on manipulation of a patients body to restore natural structure and function.

Why do we need O.M.M?
The connective tissue network that runs throughout the body, the myofascial system (muscles and fascia), helps dissipate force applied to the body. When we experience trauma the contractile elements of the myofascial system brace against it and get stuck in their braced position, which can lead to muscular spasms, decreased freedom of breathing, persistent mayofascial pain, migranes, joint dysfuntion, dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system, etc.

How does O.M.M work?
Dr. William Starsiak uses his hands to diagnose a patient's strain patterns (the technical term is somatic dysfunction). He then manually balance the strain patterns, by taking the involved structures (i.e. bones, ligaments, fascia, tendons, muscles, nerves, etc) into their position of ease. Once in their position of ease the involved regions can release the strain patterns and return to their normal structure and function. A patient can't tolerate completely unwinding everything in one setting. Most patients come once weekly for a month then we space it out to 2 more visits separated by a month each. 6 treatments over 3 months is what it takes on average to resolve most problems. However this varies given the patient and their condition, severity, how long has it been present, associated contributing factors, age etc. The only generic restriction on activity recommended is to avoid strenuous activity for 24 hours after a treatment


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