Urban Athletics

(212) 267-2247
Urban Athletics World Financ, Manhattan, New York, 10001

About us

Neighborhood: Chelsea


After repeated negative experiences shopping here, think I'll give this store one more shot because I'm in the neighborhood and in mood to invest in my feet.

Am only customer in store. Three employees talking behind cash register. One in his 30s is going on about When I was in jr high, I lost a spelling bee misspelling the word 'Bonbon.' Didn't know what a Bonbon was. Laughs uproariously; continues mindless story.

Meanwhile, person stuck with prospect of helping me is annoyed that I've come in to take him away from pod of staff bonding over inane chatter. He's borderline frowning at me; impatient. Says, Yes. No or gives clipped answers. Must try to drag out of him why I should consider this pair vs. this other pair/brand.

Another customer comes in, using a walker. Another employee is forced to deal with a customer! He, too, barely contains his annoyance at being torn away from club. Doesn't help seat woman, though she's having trouble navigating; makes her fend for herself,...

Ann H