VIP Limo

(650) 455-1157
San Mateo, California, 94030

About us

Neighborhood: Nrth Central


VIP Limo

The other day, while my girlfriend was pulling out of a parking space, she was t-boned by a driver of this company. It was raining, they were driving through the parking lot with their lights off, and struck her in the very center of the passenger side of the vehicle. Apparently the driver immediately stormed up to her window, accusing *her* of going too fast. Luckily, the police were already on the scene and ordered him away from the vehicle. Obviously the driver was at fault in this situation, which occured several days ago. However, I just received several harassing phone calls from the man, claiming he was going to sue me. Seriously. That just happened. Rofl. To him, I say go ahead and try. To all of you, I say boycott this business. And to the ceo, I say fire this man and I'll remove my reviews.