William J. Routsis II, Esq.

(775) 337-2609
1070 Monroe St, Reno, Nevada, 89509


William J Routsis servers the Northern Nevada and California area in the areas of criminal law, including DUI offenses, drug crimes, domestic violence crimes and violent crimes. A natural fighter, William excelled in his boxing career after high school and uses that determination and quick thinking in the courtroom to ensure his clients the fair trial that you deserve.

William Routsis is highly experienced in level 1, 2 and 3 drug crimes and is the attorney in Reno NV that you want on your side if you are faced with this or any other crime! Call us today at 775-210-0399 and find out why William J Routsis, II is the best choice for your criminal defense attorney. Visit: http://williamjroutsis.com

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