City of Los Altos Hills, CA

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Deals in Los Altos Hills

10% Off any Mr. Rescue Plumbing & Drain Cleaning ® Service

Mr. Rescue Plumbing & Drain Cleaning
201 1st St # 52, Los Altos Hills, California, 94022
(650) 360-1251

Deal code: cs-19835296-15195

10% off any Plumbing & Drain Cleaning Services.

Mr. Rescue Plumbing and Drain Cleaning
201 1st St # 52, Los Altos Hills, California, 94022
(650) 360-1251

Deal code: cs-15587502-12279

Latest reviews

Mr. Drain Plumbing of Los Altos Hills

Service man from Mr. Drain Plumbing was very knowledgeable in identifying the problem. He has the proper equipment and was able to unclog the kitchen sink. He also used a scope to make sure the drain is completely free.
Rafael5696 C

What's new?

Hoofprint Farms added their business to CitySquares!

Boyenga Team added their business to CitySquares!

SB Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling Los Altos Hills added their business to CitySquares!

How to change my yahoo Homepage added their business to CitySquares!

Luxury Image Modern Media added their business to CitySquares!

Neighborhoods in Los Altos Hills